Get Fed With R.e.d.d.

Get Fed With R.e.d.d.

Bars are big business so by now you’ve probably tried most of the ones on the market (and probably a whole bunch that eventually fell by the wayside, too).

That’s kind of the way we felt about the bar brouhaha, too…until we met R.e.d.d.

See, unlike most of the energy bars that come across our desk (and/or into our bellies), R.e.d.d. doesn’t profess to be “simpler” or “more pure” or “rustically unrefined,” or whatever. It’s kind of the opposite.

It all started when founder Alden Blease was in high school and began experimenting with functional foods as a way to support his nutritional needs as an elite athlete. A few years later, he found himself burning through his college meal plan, needing loads of calories but short on the cash to comfortably sustain him. So Blease revisited some of what he’d learned in high school, a little of his studies as a Biological Engineering major, and a whole lot of supplemental research, and headed down to the local health food store, where he mixed together bags of nutritionally dense ingredients from the bulk bins.

Those first bags, odd combinations of super satisfying mixtures he’d later call “Rawgasms,” featured superfoods like maca, chia, flax, spirulina, goji and cacao. They were exactly what Blease had been hoping for, and fellow students started to catch on. From those humble beginnings, R.e.d.d. (an acronym for Research Enhanced Design + Development) was born.

But R.e.d.d. has evolved from its humble beginnings. The bars are still packed with superfoods, but now they integrate innovations from nutritional science, natural chemistry and human performance engineering to provide complete, all natural energy. They don’t profess to be “crunchy and granola;” they’re unapologetically packed with science, and every ingredient serves a functional purpose.

Some of R.e.d.d.’s ingredients include: 11 superfoods (including chia, acai, goji berry, mangosteen, maca, yerba maté and quinoa); 23 vitamins and minerals; and 9 – 10 grams of protein (varies by bar), equivalent to two ounces of salmon, two eggs or +/-50 almonds. Yerba Maté provides 35 milligrams of clean caffeine for rapid improvement of available energy, and the bars’ complex carb structure delivers constant, clean energy when you need it, for as long as you need it.

The bars are an energy shot, a multivitamin and a protein bar, all in one.

And how do they taste?

Blease likes to say, “If Mother Nature made anything better, she kept it for herself.”

R.e.d.d. is free of fillers, additives and low-cost protein sources. They’re certified gluten free, 100 percent vegan, 70 percent organic, low-glycemic and free of dairy, soy, GMOs, refined sugars and anything artificial.

They’re anything but business as usual.

Find R.e.d.d. here.

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