All in Self Care

Selfcare Sunday | 4 Bath Teas You Can Make Right Now

It’s been a week, hasn’t it? We’re feeling tired, worn out, and a bit emotional. So while in some ways self-care has become a bit cliché and a brand unto itself we recognize the virtue of regularly stopping and carving out some time to slow down, reconnect with ourselves, and take some time for renewal.

We’ve found baths to be the perfect, low-cost way to create a little ‘relaxation cave’ and slow the heck down. We don’t need any special equipment, and most of the ingredients we’ve found to create the most lux baths have actually come straight out of our pantry or bathroom closet.

So read on, and we hope you’re inspired to create a little me-time this week. (Oh who are we kidding… Do it today.)

Natural Deodorant: You Call It An Obsession; We Call It type:A

Most natural deodorants are the pits.

To varying degrees, the consistency is off and sometimes you have to dig them out of little pots and the stuff gets under your fingernails and it’s gross. Some of the fragrances are a little weird; they stop working within minutes, hours, or weeks of use. Most leave a mightily unattractive, oily stain under the arms.

Sunscreen Spotlight: Green Your Skincare With Goddess Garden

Every single one of Goddess Garden’s sunscreen lotions earns a score of 1 (the safest you can get), from the Environmental Working Group (EWG) — that means the sunscreens are ranked as the top choice for UVA protection, and they’ve been shown to provide a good balance of UVA protection in relation to SPF.