All in Products we Love

Make It: Vegan MEXICAN Spiced Chocolate Ganache

If you’re like me and you love all things spiced every time fall rolls around, this flavor profile is a great summer spin on the theme – that pairs especially well with grilled tropical fruits.. Ganache is usually made with a 1:1 ratio of dark chocolate and heavy cream but this is easily made dairy free and vegan by swapping the grass fed heavy cream for coconut cream and being mindful of your chocolate sourcing.

Spotlight: Food on the Run | Snacks

Let’s get real for a second. One of the most difficult things to overcome in our clean food journeys has been forgetting to pack snacks or adequately plan meals when leaving the house for the day. The results have been (*ahem*) trying, to say the least. We’ve found ourselves staring sadly at one another in desperation, reading every label, praying for a damn piece of fruit more times than we can count.

Natural Deodorant: You Call It An Obsession; We Call It type:A

Most natural deodorants are the pits.

To varying degrees, the consistency is off and sometimes you have to dig them out of little pots and the stuff gets under your fingernails and it’s gross. Some of the fragrances are a little weird; they stop working within minutes, hours, or weeks of use. Most leave a mightily unattractive, oily stain under the arms.

Sunscreen Spotlight: Green Your Skincare With Goddess Garden

Every single one of Goddess Garden’s sunscreen lotions earns a score of 1 (the safest you can get), from the Environmental Working Group (EWG) — that means the sunscreens are ranked as the top choice for UVA protection, and they’ve been shown to provide a good balance of UVA protection in relation to SPF.

Pasadena's Bone Kettle Restaurant & A Recipe For Bone Broth

We’ve been drinking bone broth for years. Although, truly, if you want to get technical about it, we’ve been eating it for decades, because we grew up on soups of all sorts, most of them divined — alchemical-style — out of a pot full of water, some vegetables, and a big pile of bones. Bone broths have sustained us through childhood sicknesses, broken hearts, and most recently, through some nasty bouts of autoimmune crises. In so many ways, bone broth is life-sustaining.