Viori Longsheng Rice Shampoo Bars

Viori Longsheng Rice Shampoo Bars

Viori Longsheng rice water shampoo and conditioner bars

Viori shampoo and conditioner bars made with Longsheng rice water

We all made pandemic discoveries – like learning we didn’t miss eating out as much as we thought we would – and one of ours was finally ditching bottled shampoo and conditioner. Did you know 552 million plastic shampoo bottles end up in landfills every year in America? For perspective, that’s enough to fill 1,164 football fields.

After learning that sobering fact and knowing we wanted to cut out single use plastics wherever we could, we went on a mission to try out as many eco friendly zero waste shampoo bars as we could (except for this one that still eludes us because it’s always sold out!) and one of the faves was Viori.

Viori’s shampoo bars are cruelty free, sulfate free, ethically sourced and all include Longsheng rice water use for the last 2000 years by the mountainous Red Yao tribe women Viori source from. Viori is a mission based company and 5% of their profits go back to the Red Yao women who cultivate and supply the rice they use.

There are claims that the Longsheng rice can also prevent graying but since we’ve learned to love our grays the last couple of years we’ve been more focused on the thickening and strengthening benefits of the fermented Longsheng rice water and hydrolyzed rice protein in all of the bars.

Wondering where you’d put shampoo and conditioner bars that could disintegrate like soap? Viori sells a stacked biodegradable bamboo holder for both that looks like a little dumpling steamer ready for bath time.

Their shampoo and conditioner bars are beautiful, as is the origami recyclable paper wrapping, and so long lasting. We’ve been using them now for just over a year and just finished our first conditioner bar (!) and our second shampoo bar. We’ve tried Yezi Nectar (a limited time tropical coconut scent) and Hua Bliss (another limited edition musky lavender scent) and loved both. Limited editions pop up regularly and are worth keeping an eye out for as they test run new scents and formulations.

Going from liquid to bar is definitely an adjustment – and be prepared to build some extra time into your shower routine especially if you have a long hair – but the results have been worthwhile. So is knowing that’s one less plastic going into the landfills. It makes shower time more of a ritual than a chore, and who couldn’t use more of that in their life.

Have you made the switch?

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