Sunscreen Spotlight: Green Your Skincare With Goddess Garden

Sunscreen Spotlight: Green Your Skincare With Goddess Garden

Every single one of Goddess Garden’s sunscreen lotions earns a score of 1 (the safest you can get), from the Environmental Working Group (EWG) — that means the sunscreens are ranked as the top choice for UVA protection, and they’ve been shown to provide a good balance of UVA protection in relation to SPF. The ingredients in the lotions have also been tested and shown to be a low concern to health. Due to their minimal levels of toxicity and high levels of balanced sun protection, the EWG has scored Goddess Garden sunscreen lotions as a top choice for sun protection (and best for babies and kids). Read more about the EWG and their sunscreen rating system here.

And if your own health hasn’t convinced you to choose Goddess Garden, maybe the reefs will work: Yep! Goddess Garden sunscreen contains NO oxybenzone — the entire line of sunscreens is reef safe!

Now that we’ve gotten the most vital information out of the way, we’ll tell you a little bit about the brand, because there’s a lot to love.

Founders Nova Covington and Paul Halter didn’t set out to make sunscreens, but they had both been deeply involved in environmental causes since the early days of environmental activism. So when their corporate careers ran their course, it was only natural that Nova and Paul would find their way back to work that honored the earth and was healthy for humans.

With Nova’s background in herbalism, and Paul’s nutrition science degree, they started Goddess Garden as a way to provide safe skincare solutions to their family. Over time the company shifted and grew. They started in 2005. In 2010, Nova and Paul were still working out of their home. By 2012, Goddess Garden was ready to move into the big-time, with a certified-organic production facility. Today, you can find the sunscreen at over 17,000 retailers.

But wait! There’s more!

You already know Goddess Garden sunscreens are effective and safe for people and the planet. Every ingredient in all of Goddess Garden’s products comes from nature (they have lines of skincareperfume, and aromatherapy products, as well), and they even have an ingredients glossary on the website to demystify the scientific names they’re required to place on their packaging.

They’re a B Corp! B Corps meet higher standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability. To be considered as a B Corp, Goddess Garden had to complete a rigorous business assessment, including their mission, business model, community involvement, employee benefits, diversity and environmentally-friendly practices. Good stuff.

They also give back. In years past, they’ve donated sunscreen to events and organizations including Relay for Life, Race to Erase MS, the Melanoma Foundation, the Pacific Crest Trail Association, and a whole bunch of schools.

Safe, effective, certified organic, and suitable for sensitive skin? We’re gaga over Goddess Garden.


For Further Reading:

Want to know more about oxybenzone and coral bleaching? Check out this article, Reef-Safe Sunscreen: What You Need To Know, from the Chasing Coral crew.

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